Improving Health Service Provision
Health Service Provision, either personal health care or public health interventions, is at the core of the health system mission. It is the providers who are at the front-line in serving patients and users of the system. A health system s is only as good in providing health care and public health intervention s as its providers are.
In CHD we analyze, work, and provide advice on three critical aspects of health service provision: strengthening the capabilities of the holding of providers (H) (the function to manage and oversee the provider networks); strengthening the support management capabilities (PCC) ; and strengthening the clinical management capabilities and systems (C). We do so for individual large providers, for Primary Care networks (P), and for large integrated in-patient and outpatient provider networks, public and private. International experience has shown that health system transformation efforts cannot be successful in the absence of adjusting and strengthening provider capacity and capabilities. Reforms of provider payment mechanisms (e.g. towards output and result based funding) must address the changes in management systems, capabilities, and decision rights of providers to be successful. Entitle reforms, such as guaranteed health benefits or universal coverage, require both, changes in providers and in incentive framework for quality, efficiency, and responsiveness. In CHD we work and provide advice on key design options and implementation strategies addressing all three of these service provision areas. |
Provider Holding ManagementManaging providers as a collaborative and complementing network substantially contributes to improve effectiveness, efficiency, and responsiveness in health care. Similarly, public health interventions providers do require coordination to ensure full population coverage.
The Holding of Providers function (or network leadership function) needs to be able to facilitate the work of individual providers (professionals, primary care, in-patient, diagnostic facilities) in a way that optimizes access and cost/effectiveness of services available. It needs to have the capabilities and capacity to perform well in at least three key areas:
CHD works and provides advice on developing and strengthening provider holding capacities and capabilities. |
Individual Provider ManagementImproving effectiveness and efficiency of providers requires that the overall management of all support and back-office systems of the provider is optimal (admin, IT, HR, supply chain, etc). Among all the management and support functions, we at CHD provide support and advice in three critical areas: