Global Associated Experts
In addition to CHD governance and advisory groups, professionals from multiple disciplines and regions in the world, work with CHD as Global Associated Experts in the design and implementation of projects and programs.
They contribute as experts and/or lead the projects and programs in our three areas of work: Health Systems performance, Development Assistance in Health, and Inclusive Child and Adolescent Development. Global Associated Experts include expertise in health policy, health financing and economics, mental health, child and adolescent development, gender equity, public health, public sector management, health systems transformations, global health aid effectiveness, health metrics and primary health care with experience in the Americas, Africa, Europe and Asia. |
Cristian C. Baeza MD MPH. Chair and Executive Director of the Center for Healthy Development (CHD). Dr. Baeza has extensive expertise and experience in health systems financing, systems transformations and in the design and management of Development Assistance for Health programs and financing. Dr. Baeza serves also as the Principal Advisor to the Inter-American Conference for Social Security (CISS) and is a Professor (LoA) of Global Health at the University of Washington, Seattle USA. Former Director of the Health, Nutrition and Populations Practice of the World Bank globally in Washington DC; former CEO of the National Health Insurance Fund (FONASA) in Santiago Chile; former Regional Coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean of the STEP program of the International Labor Organization (ILO) in Washington DC USA and Geneva Switzerland; and former Partner of McKinsey leading the Health Systems practice in emerging markets from Rome, Italy and from Washington DC.
Cecilia Breinbauer MD MPH Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist. Deputy Director of the Center for Healthy Development (CHD). Renowned specialist in early child development, autism and children with developmental disabilities. Clinical assistant professor of global child mental health at the University of Washington, Seattle, USA. Senior Fellow of the RISE Institute. Former CEO of the Interdisciplinary Council on Development and Learning (ICDL) in Washington DC, USA.
Pedro Crocco MD MSc. Chilean National. Professor of Public Health at the School of Public Health of the University of Chile. Formerly Director General of Health Provider Networks, Director General of Public Health, and Director General of Health District at the Ministry of Health of Chile; former Senior Advisor at the Ministry of the Presidency in the Chilean Government; former Senior Advisor on Health Systems at the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) in Washington DC, USA; former Regional STEP advisor for Latin America and the Caribbean at the International Labor Organization.
Armin Fidler MD MPH. Austrian national, Vice- Chair of the Technical and Strategy Advisory Group of the Center for Healthy Development (CHD). Currently Senior Lecturer and Member of the Faculty at the Management Center Innsbruck, European Master in Health Economics and Management (EU-HEM) and Adjunct Faculty, School of Public Health, George Washington University, Washington D.C. USA. Former Lead Advisor Health Policy and Strategy and Sector Manager for Health Nutrition and Population for Europe and Central Asia at the World Bank.
Rony Lenz MSc.Renowned health economist with extensive expertise and experience in health financing, health economics, pharmacy-economics and design and management of health financing and provider payment reforms for large payor-provider networks. Mr. Lenz has work in almost all countries in Latin America advising governments, private sector and social insurers. Currently Director of REBSOL, and Empresa TI Salud, Professor of Public Health at the School of Public Health at the University of Chile, Chile. Former CEO of the Chilean National Health Insurance Fund (FONASA), Former Director General of Planing and Financing of the Ministry of Health of Chile; former CFO Integramédica S.A., the largest private outpatient care network in Chile, former president of the Chilean chapter of the International Society for Pharmaeconomics and Outcome Research (ISPOR), former president of "Rehabilitemos" Foundation.
Rafael Lozano MD MSc. Adjunct Director General of the Center for Health Systems Research of National Institute of Health of Mexico and Professor of Global Health of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation of the University of Washington, USA. Dr. Lozano has a deep and extensive expertise and experience in health metrics and epidemiology, including his leadership in Global Burden of Disease and in Regional Burden of Disease in the Latin American region in general and in Mexico in particular. Member of the National Academy of Medicine of Mexico. Renowned researcher in global burden of disease and epidemiology. Former Director General of Health information at the National Ministry of Health of Mexico, former Associate professor of Epidemiology at the School of Public Health at Harvard University , and former Senior Advisor at the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland.
Martin Sabignoso DrJ MSc. Currently Senior Adviser to the Inter-American Development Bank on Health Systems and Results Based Financing and Adjunct Professor for Master Public Health program at Buenos Aires University and leader of the Health Communication program at the School of Journalism and Social Communication at the National University of La Plata . As the former CEO of Plan Sumar and Plan Nacer in Argentina, one of the most successful result based financing programs in health in the world, for more than 7 years, Martin has deep experience and expertise on results-based financing not only on the "what needs to be done?" but, on how to actually do it from design to implementation to managing change and political economy of from-lines transformation in health care in both, low and middle-income country settings.